not get over her, i want to get her back.
is this being stubborn or having a positive mindset?
your conscious tells you that there is no way you can do to improve on the situation anymore. all factors are not within your control. it is something like it really depends on the others now. but you just refuse to give up. you want to have another shot at it because you believe that no matter how insignificant your effort is, there is always a change. the magnitude of this change is not important. probably, you will succeed if you are given another opportunity. just one more. that's what we always heard.
but really, do you need that one more additional shot? do you really believe that it will make things turn around? there is really a thin line between being stubborn and naive. you should just know when to stop and let it go. stop acting like a bull!
wait, there is not the right way. we should always think on the bright side of life. like what everyone said, the sun will always be up after a gloomy day. does it help? will it make you feel any better when you are being pushed up the wall? it doesnt change anything but mind is always stronger. when you are trapped under a collapsed building, you dont tell yourself that yes, i am going to die right here right now. nobody is going to find me and bring me out of this damn place alive. the rescue team will have to carry me out. no! you tell yourself i have to survive i have to survive i have to survive i have to survive. that's why there are miracle stories of survivors who managed to escape despite being trapped under collapsed buildings for days. that's being positive.
oh why why why. why is all these negativity clouding above my head? just let things flow and nature takes its course. is this really what i want? i feel so handicapped when i am not in control. probably if world is a little less superficial, i might be a happier person.